Wednesday, October 24, 2012

OK - so I failed in my first attempt at a more positive me. I actually couldn't find where to add a new blog post, was too busy to look it up, so I let my goals go. Shame on me - now start again.

3 Gratitudes -  Find 3 things you are grateful for every day.
  • I'm glad today's another day & I get to start anew.
  • I'm going to see Rent in a couple of weeks - yay! Just ordered tickets today.
  • The college got a $10 mil gift on Monday. I am grateful we have such great support in our community.

Journaling -  Write about one good thing everyday. It also makes you relive the good moment - Can you say Oxytocin? That's a TED talk for another day.
I watched "A Class Divided" today on It isn't necessarily a good thing, because it shows how quickly we can fall into oppressive behavior. But ultimately, I have to believe that we can do better. It made me sit down & really consider how my actions reflect on the world around me. 
Exercise -  Teaches the body that movement is good.

My husband & I started the Couch to 5K program. That'll take care of a few days. Now I just have to commit to some kind of movement every day!

Meditation -  Focus on the task at hand. Get over the cultural ADHD we have developed.
Haven't started - maybe a goal for tomorrow. Or tonight? Relax before heading up to bed.

Random Acts of Kindness -  Whether deliberate or accidentalthey make you feel good.
 I picked up a piece of trash on the staircase toady - does that count? It looks better without the paper there & if I didn't tell anyone, does that count as an anonymous good deed?

This has been a bad week for me. I am having a hard time finishing a task - ANY task. I need to get it in gear. I have my capstone to do this fall, and the CDS, and student indebtedness reporting and looking at data in a new way and finishing the Financial Aid profile and the FA projections for DP! I think I need that meditation...

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