Saturday, October 27, 2012

OK - I missed journalling yesterday, but I did go for a walk/run with Steve. It was a better day for running. My calf muscles weren't as tight as Wednesday. I did a better job of stretching on my way to the track.

3 gratitudes for today:

I spent the morning at a Toastmasters speaking contest in White River Junction. I wasn't competing, just observing and I actually took part as a counter - someone who helps tally the scores  to determine the winner.

First, I am grateful that I found Toastmasters. It has helped me gain confidence in speaking in front of groups. I still get nervous, but I find it much easier to get through a speech.

Second, I am grateful for the people that I have met through Toastmasters. They are wonderful and supportive, and very nice! I have learned a lot because each one of them brings something unique to the experience.

Third, I am grateful for the chance to share the Toastmasters experience with others at Champlain. Next Wednesday I will be presenting a proposal to forma a Toastmasters club on campus. I hope we get enough interest to start a club!

So I was not so kind today. When I got home from the contest in the afternoon, I had big plans to do laundry, mulch the garlic, and do other odd jobs. But then Steve called from Burlington & said he locked the keys in the truck. So I had to run into Burlington to bring him the spare truck key. On the way into Burlington I got behind this obnoxious BMW driver. They would not let me pass, but insisted on going slow when I couldn't pass. I was not kind at all, especially to Steve when I got to  Burlington. No random acts of kindness today.

But a bonus for the evening - 2 deer were feeding under our crab apple trees. They took their time walking around - it was quite peaceful.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Yes! I did a short meditation last night before bed. I feel like I slept really soundly. Will try again tonight.

3 gratitudes -
  1. I am grateful for our Intercultural U class at Champlain. We have been discussing cultural differences, power conflicts, racial relations. It has been very enlightening. Ame is a great leader and really is helping us advance in our understanding of differences.
  2. I am grateful for the opportunities I have at Champlain. I get to take on really interesting and challenging projects. They are very fulfilling, even when they are frustrating and brain numbing.
  3. I am grateful to my sister Lydia. Not only did we work together to make my mom's last years more comfortable, but we were able to support each other after she passed away. Our mom left a whole in our lives when she passed & my sister has been a great comfort.
I didn't really exercise, but I did some stretches and some upper body work with light weights. Day number 2 of movement!

Random Acts:
Hmmm - something to work on for tomorrow...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

OK - so I failed in my first attempt at a more positive me. I actually couldn't find where to add a new blog post, was too busy to look it up, so I let my goals go. Shame on me - now start again.

3 Gratitudes -  Find 3 things you are grateful for every day.
  • I'm glad today's another day & I get to start anew.
  • I'm going to see Rent in a couple of weeks - yay! Just ordered tickets today.
  • The college got a $10 mil gift on Monday. I am grateful we have such great support in our community.

Journaling -  Write about one good thing everyday. It also makes you relive the good moment - Can you say Oxytocin? That's a TED talk for another day.
I watched "A Class Divided" today on It isn't necessarily a good thing, because it shows how quickly we can fall into oppressive behavior. But ultimately, I have to believe that we can do better. It made me sit down & really consider how my actions reflect on the world around me. 
Exercise -  Teaches the body that movement is good.

My husband & I started the Couch to 5K program. That'll take care of a few days. Now I just have to commit to some kind of movement every day!

Meditation -  Focus on the task at hand. Get over the cultural ADHD we have developed.
Haven't started - maybe a goal for tomorrow. Or tonight? Relax before heading up to bed.

Random Acts of Kindness -  Whether deliberate or accidentalthey make you feel good.
 I picked up a piece of trash on the staircase toady - does that count? It looks better without the paper there & if I didn't tell anyone, does that count as an anonymous good deed?

This has been a bad week for me. I am having a hard time finishing a task - ANY task. I need to get it in gear. I have my capstone to do this fall, and the CDS, and student indebtedness reporting and looking at data in a new way and finishing the Financial Aid profile and the FA projections for DP! I think I need that meditation...